Edit Mode
Edit Mode
You can enable Edit Mode for all layers on a map like this:
// enable global Edit Mode
The following methods are available on map.pm
Method | Returns | Description |
enableGlobalEditMode(options ) | - | Enables global Edit Mode. |
disableGlobalEditMode() | - | Disables global Edit Mode. |
toggleGlobalEditMode(options ) | - | Toggles global Edit Mode. |
globalEditModeEnabled() | Boolean | Returns true if global Edit Mode is enabled. false when disabled. |
Enable Edit Mode only for one layer:
// enable Edit Mode
allowSelfIntersection: false,
The following methods are available for layers under layer.pm
Method | Returns | Description |
enable(options ) | - | Enables Edit Mode. The passed options are preserved, even when the mode is enabled via the Toolbar. options is optional. |
disable() | - | Disables Edit Mode. |
toggleEdit(options ) | - | Toggles Edit Mode. Passed options are preserved. options is optional. |
enabled() | Boolean | Returns true if Edit Mode is enabled. false when disabled. |
hasSelfIntersection() | Boolean | Returns true if Line or Polygon has a self intersection. |
remove() | - | Removes the layer with the same checks as GlobalRemovalMode. |
getShape() | String | Returns the shape of the layer. |
setOptions(options ) | - | Set the options on the layer. |
getOptions() | Object | Returns the options of the layer. |
Edit Mode Options
See the available options in the table below.
Option | Default | Description |
snappable | true | Enable snapping to other layers vertices for precision drawing. Can be disabled by holding the ALT key. |
snapDistance | 20 | The distance to another vertex when a snap should happen. |
snapMiddle | false | Allow snapping in the middle of two vertices (middleMarker). |
snapSegment | true | Allow snapping between two vertices. |
snapVertex | true | Allow snapping to vertices. |
allowSelfIntersection | true | Allow/Disallow self-intersections on Polygons and Polylines. |
allowSelfIntersectionEdit | false | Allow/Disallow to change vertices they are connected to a intersecting line. Only working if allowSelfIntersection is true and the layer is already self-intersecting while enabling Edit Mode. |
preventMarkerRemoval | false | Disable the removal of markers/vertexes via right click. |
removeLayerBelowMinVertexCount | true | If true , vertex removal that cause a layer to fall below their minimum required vertices will remove the entire layer. If false , these vertices can't be removed. Minimum vertices are 2 for Lines and 3 for Polygons. |
syncLayersOnDrag | false | Defines which layers should dragged with this layer together. true syncs all layers in the same LayerGroup(s) or you pass an Array of layers to sync. |
allowEditing | true | Edit-Mode for the layer can disabled (pm.enable() ). |
allowRemoval | true | Removing can be disabled for the layer. |
allowCutting | true | Layer can be prevented from cutting. |
allowRotation | true | Layer can be prevented from rotation. |
draggable | true | Dragging can be disabled for the layer. |
addVertexOn | click | Leaflet layer event to add a vertex to a Line or Polygon, like 'dblclick' . Here's a list. |
addVertexValidation | undefined | A function for validation if a vertex (of a Line / Polygon) is allowed to add. It passes a object with [layer, marker, event} . For example to check if the layer has a certain property or if the Ctrl key is pressed. |
removeVertexOn | contextmenu | Leaflet layer event to remove a vertex from a Line or Polygon, like 'dblclick' . Here's a list. |
removeVertexValidation | undefined | A function for validation if a vertex (of a Line / Polygon) is allowed to remove. It passes a object with [layer, marker, event} . For example to check if the layer has a certain property or if the Ctrl key is pressed. |
moveVertexValidation | undefined | A function for validation if a vertex / helper-marker is allowed to move / drag. It passes a object with [layer, marker, event} . For example to check if the layer has a certain property or if the Ctrl key is pressed. |
limitMarkersToCount | -1 | Shows only n markers closest to the cursor. Use -1 for no limit. |
limitMarkersToZoom | -1 | Shows markers when under the given zoom level. ⭐ |
limitMarkersToViewport | false | Shows only markers in the viewport. ⭐ |
limitMarkersToClick | false | Shows markers only after the layer was clicked. ⭐ |
pinning | false | Pin shared vertices/markers together during edit Details. ⭐ |
allowPinning | true | Layer can be prevented from pinning.⭐ |
allowScale | true | Layer can be prevented from scaling.⭐ |
centerScaling | true | Scale origin is the center, else it is the opposite corner. If false Alt-Key can be used. Scale Mode. ⭐ |
uniformScaling | true | Width and height are scaled with the same ratio. If false Shift-Key can be used. Scale Mode. ⭐ |
allowAutoTracing | true | Layer can be prevented from auto tracing.⭐ |
addVertexOnClick | false | Add Vertices while clicking on the line of Polyline or Polygon⭐ |
showSnapGuides | false | Enables the Snap guides.⭐ |
snapGuidesStyle | - | Styles the Snap Guides.⭐ |
allowUnion | true | Layer can be prevented from used in Union Mode.⭐ |
allowDifference | true | Layer can be prevented from used in Difference Mode.⭐ |
lassoSelectable | true | Selecting via Lasso can be disabled for the layer.⭐ |
requireContainment | true | While editing the layer needs to be contained in one of the layers in the Array.⭐ |
preventIntersection | true | While editing the layer can't intersect with the layers in the Array.⭐ |
You can listen to events related to editing on events like this:
// listen to when a layer is changed in Edit Mode
layer.on("pm:edit", (e) => {
The following events are available on a layer instance:
Event | Params | Description | Output |
pm:edit | e | Fired when a layer is edited. | layer , shape |
pm:update | e | Fired when Edit Mode is disabled and a layer is edited and its coordinates have changed. | layer , shape |
pm:enable | e | Fired when Edit Mode on a layer is enabled. | layer , shape |
pm:disable | e | Fired when Edit Mode on a layer is disabled. | layer , shape |
pm:vertexadded | e | Fired when a vertex is added. | layer , indexPath , latlng , marker , shape |
pm:vertexremoved | e | Fired when a vertex is removed. | layer , indexPath , marker , shape |
pm:vertexclick | e | Fired when a vertex is clicked. | layer , indexPath , markerEvent , shape |
pm:markerdragstart | e | Fired when dragging of a marker which corresponds to a vertex starts. | layer , indexPath , markerEvent , shape |
pm:markerdrag | e | Fired when dragging a vertex-marker. | layer , indexPath , markerEvent , shape |
pm:markerdragend | e | Fired when dragging of a vertex-marker ends. | layer , indexPath , markerEvent , shape , intersectionReset |
pm:layerreset | e | Fired when coords of a layer are reset. E.g. by self-intersection. | layer , indexPath , markerEvent , shape |
pm:snapdrag | e | Fired during a marker move/drag. Payload includes info about involved layers and snapping calculation. | shape , distance , layer = workingLayer , marker , layerInteractedWith , segment , snapLatLng |
pm:snap | e | Fired when a vertex-marker is snapped to another vertex. Also fired on the marker itself. | shape , distance , layer = workingLayer , marker , layerInteractedWith , segment , snapLatLng |
pm:unsnap | e | Fired when a vertex-marker is unsnapped from a vertex. Also fired on the marker itself. | shape , distance , layer = workingLayer , marker , layerInteractedWith , segment , snapLatLng |
pm:intersect | e | When allowSelfIntersection: false , this event is fired as soon as a self-intersection is detected. | layer , intersection , shape |
pm:centerplaced | e | Fired when the center of a circle is moved. | layer , latlng , shape |
pm:change | e | Fired coordinates of the layer changed. | layer , latlngs , shape |
The following events are available on a map instance:
Event | Params | Description | Output |
pm:globaleditmodetoggled | e | Fired when Edit Mode is toggled. | enabled , map |
You can also listen to specific Edit Mode events on the map instance like this:
map.on("pm:globaleditmodetoggled", (e) => {