Draw Mode
Draw Mode
Use Draw Mode on a map like this:
// enable polygon Draw Mode
map.pm.enableDraw("Polygon", {
snappable: true,
snapDistance: 20,
// disable Draw Mode
Currently available shapes are Marker
, CircleMarker
, Circle
, Line
, Rectangle
, Polygon
, Text
, Cut
, CutCircle
⭐ and Split
The following methods are available on map.pm
Method | Returns | Description |
enableDraw(shape ,options ) | - | Enable Draw Mode with the passed shape. The options are optional. |
disableDraw() | - | Disable Draw Mode. |
Draw.getShapes() | Array | Array of available shapes. |
Draw.getActiveShape() | String | Returns the active shape. |
globalDrawModeEnabled() | Boolean | Returns true if global Draw Mode is enabled. false when disabled. |
setPathOptions(options , optionsModifier ) | - | Customize the style of the drawn layer. Only for L.Path layers. Shapes can be excluded with a ignoreShapes array or merged with the current style with merge: true in optionsModifier Details. |
setGlobalOptions(options ) | - | Set globalOptions and apply them. |
applyGlobalOptions() | - | Apply the current globalOptions to all existing layers. |
getGlobalOptions() | Object | Returns the globalOptions . |
getGeomanLayers(Boolean ) | Array | Returns all Leaflet-Geoman layers on the map as array. Pass true to get a L.FeatureGroup. |
getGeomanDrawLayers(Boolean ) | Array | Returns all drawn Leaflet-Geoman layers on the map as array. Pass true to get a L.FeatureGroup. |
Draw.shape .setOptions(options ) | - | Applies the options to the drawing shape and calls setStyle . map.pm.Draw.Line.setOptions(options) . |
Draw.shape .setStyle(options ) | - | Applies the styles (templineStyle , hintlineStyle , pathOptions , markerStyle ) to the drawing layer. map.pm.Draw.Line.setStyle(options) . |
See the available options in the table below.
Option | Default | Description |
snappable | true | Enable snapping to other layers vertices for precision drawing. Can be disabled by holding the ALT key. |
snapDistance | 20 | The distance to another vertex when a snap should happen. |
snapMiddle | false | Allow snapping in the middle of two vertices (middleMarker). |
snapSegment | true | Allow snapping between two vertices. |
requireSnapToFinish | false | Require the last point of a shape to be snapped. |
tooltips | true | Show helpful tooltips for your user. |
allowSelfIntersection | true | Allow self intersections. |
templineStyle | { color: '#3388ff' }, | Leaflet path options for the lines between drawn vertices/markers. |
hintlineStyle | { color: '#3388ff', dashArray: [5, 5] } | Leaflet path options for the helper line between last drawn vertex and the cursor. |
pathOptions | null | Leaflet path options for the drawn layer (Only for L.Path layers). |
markerStyle | { draggable: true } | Leaflet marker options (only for drawing markers). |
cursorMarker | true | Show a marker at the cursor. |
finishOn | null | Leaflet layer event to finish the drawn shape, like 'dblclick' . Here's a list. snap is also an option for Line, Polygon and Rectangle. |
hideMiddleMarkers | false | Hide the middle Markers in Edit Mode from Polyline and Polygon. |
minRadiusCircle | null | Set the min radius of a Circle . |
maxRadiusCircle | null | Set the max radius of a Circle . |
minRadiusCircleMarker | null | Set the min radius of a CircleMarker . |
maxRadiusCircleMarker | null | Set the max radius of a CircleMarker . |
false | Deprecated use resizeableCircleMarker instead. | |
resizableCircle | true | Enables radius editing while drawing a Circle. |
resizeableCircleMarker | false | Enables radius editing while drawing a CircleMarker. |
markerEditable | true | Markers and CircleMarkers are editable during the draw-session (you can drag them around immediately after drawing them). |
continueDrawing | false / true | Draw Mode stays enabled after finishing a layer to immediately draw the next layer. Defaults to true for Markers and CircleMarkers and false for all other layers. |
rectangleAngle | 0 | Rectangle can drawn with a rotation angle 0-360 degrees |
layersToCut | [] | Cut-Mode: Only the passed layers can be cut. Cutted layers are removed from the Array until no layers are left anymore and cutting is working on all layers again. |
textOptions | {} | Text Layer options. Look into textOptions. |
closedPolygonEdge | false | Closes the Polygon while drawing ⭐. |
closedPolygonFill | false | Shows the Polygon fill while drawing ⭐. |
autoTracing | false | Enables auto tracing while drawing ⭐. |
allowCircleCut | true | Allow Cutting of a Circle ⭐. |
This options can only set over map.pm.setGlobalOptions({})
Option | Default | Description |
layerGroup | map | Add the created layers to a layergroup instead to the map. |
You can listen to map events to hook into the drawing procedure like this:
map.on("pm:drawstart", (e) => {
Here's a list of map events you can listen to:
Event | Params | Description | Output |
pm:globaldrawmodetoggled | e | Fired when Drawing Mode is toggled. | enabled , test, shape , map |
pm:drawstart | e | Called when Draw Mode is enabled. Payload includes the shape type and working layer. | shape , workingLayer |
pm:drawend | e | Called when Draw Mode is disabled. Payload includes the shape type. | shape |
pm:create | e | Called when a shape is drawn/finished. Payload includes shape type and the drawn layer. | shape , layer |
There are also several events for layers during draw. Register an event like this:
// listen to vertexes being added to currently drawn layer (called workingLayer)
map.on("pm:drawstart", ({ workingLayer }) => {
workingLayer.on("pm:vertexadded", (e) => {
Here's a list of layer events you can listen to:
Event | Params | Description | Output |
pm:vertexadded | e | Called when a new vertex is added. Payload includes the new vertex, it's marker, index, working layer and shape type. | shape , workingLayer , marker , latlng |
pm:snapdrag | e | Fired during a marker move/drag. Payload includes info about involved layers and snapping calculation. | shape , distance , layer = workingLayer , marker , layerInteractedWith , segment , snapLatLng |
pm:snap | e | Fired when a vertex is snapped. Payload is the same as in snapdrag . | shape , distance , layer = workingLayer , marker , layerInteractedWith , segment , snapLatLng |
pm:unsnap | e | Fired when a vertex is unsnapped. Payload is the same as in snapdrag . | shape , distance , layer = workingLayer , marker , layerInteractedWith , segment , snapLatLng |
pm:centerplaced | e | Called when the center of a circle is placed/moved. | shape , workingLayer , latlng |
pm:change | e | Fired coordinates of the layer changed. | layer , latlngs , shape |
pm:intersect | e | When allowSelfIntersection: false , this event is fired as soon as a self-intersection is detected. | layer , intersection , shape |
For making the snapping to other layers selective, you can add the "snapIgnore" option to your layers to disable the snapping to them during drawing. |
//This layer will be ignored by the snapping engine during drawing
L.geoJSON(data, {
snapIgnore: true,