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Importing existing Geojson data

Often you will want to import existing Geojson data into your map. This can be done with the gm.features.addGeoJsonFeature method. This method accepts a Geojson object and adds it to the map. Currently the method only accepts a single Geojson feature, and not a FeatureCollection. This will be added going forward.

Example usage

In this case we have hardcoded a Geojson feature in the demoFeatures array. This could be fetched from an API or a file or a database.

export const demoFeatures: Array<GeoJsonImportFeature> = [
type: 'Feature',
properties: {
shape: 'polygon',
geometry: {
type: 'MultiPolygon',
coordinates: [
// ... more features

The gm.features.addGeoJsonFeature method is then called for each feature in the array.

    demoFeatures.forEach((shapeGeoJson) => {
gm.features.addGeoJsonFeature({ shapeGeoJson });

Adding a Geojson FeatureCollection

If your data was formatted as a FeatureCollection, you need to extract the individual features and call addGeoJsonFeature on each feature:

const fc = {
type: 'FeatureCollection',
features: [
type: 'Feature',
properties: {
shape: 'polygon',
geometry: {
type: 'MultiPolygon',
coordinates: [
// ... more features

// Add each feature from the collection
fc.features.forEach((shapeGeoJson) => {
gm.features.addGeoJsonFeature({ shapeGeoJson });

Full Demo example

We have put together a list of examples from the Maplibre-Geoman Examples Repository that showcase how to import Geojson data into the map. All the examples import features from a fixtures file and add them to the map using the gm.features.addGeoJsonFeature method.

See the Examples page for more information.

API Reference

interface GeoJsonImportFeature {
type: 'Feature';
properties: {
shape: string;
[key: string]: any;
geometry: {
type: string;
coordinates: any[];