Configuring Geoman
Geoman can be configured by passing an options object to the Geoman constructor. The configuration allows you to customize various aspects of the library, including controls, styles, and general settings.
Configuration Structure
The main configuration object follows this structure:
interface GmOptionsData {
settings: {
throttlingDelay: number;
controlsPosition: 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right';
layerStyles: typeof styles;
controls: {
draw: Record<DrawModeName, ControlOptions>;
edit: Record<EditModeName, ControlOptions>;
helper: Record<HelperModeName, ControlOptions>;
You can provide a partial configuration using GmOptionsPartial
, which allows you to specify only the options you want to override.
Basic Usage
Here's a basic example of configuring Geoman:
import { Geoman, GmOptionsPartial } from '@geoman-io/maplibre-geoman-free'; // or '@geoman-io/maplibre-geoman-pro'
const gmOptions: GmOptionsPartial = {
settings: {
controlsPosition: 'top-right',
throttlingDelay: 100
controls: {
draw: {
polygon: {
title: 'Draw Polygon',
icon: 'custom-polygon-icon',
uiEnabled: true,
active: false
const gm = new Geoman(map, gmOptions);
Settings Configuration
The settings
object allows you to configure global Geoman settings:
const gmOptions: GmOptionsPartial = {
settings: {
// Delay in milliseconds for throttling events
throttlingDelay: 100,
// Position of the controls on the map
controlsPosition: 'top-right' // 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right'
Controls Configuration
Draw Controls
Draw controls manage the creation of new geometries. Available draw modes include: 'marker', 'circle', 'circle_marker', 'text_marker', 'line', 'rectangle', 'polygon', 'freehand', and 'custom_shape'.
const gmOptions: GmOptionsPartial = {
controls: {
draw: {
polygon: {
title: 'Draw Polygon',
icon: 'custom-polygon-icon',
uiEnabled: true,
active: false,
options: [
type: 'toggle',
name: 'snap',
label: 'Snap to Vertices',
value: true
line: {
title: 'Draw Line',
uiEnabled: true,
active: false
Edit Controls
Edit controls handle modification of existing geometries. Available edit modes include: 'drag', 'change', 'rotate', 'scale', 'copy', 'cut', 'split', 'union', 'difference', 'line_simplification', 'lasso', and 'delete'.
const gmOptions: GmOptionsPartial = {
controls: {
edit: {
drag: {
title: 'Drag Features',
icon: 'drag-icon',
uiEnabled: true,
active: false
rotate: {
title: 'Rotate Features',
uiEnabled: true,
active: false,
options: [
type: 'select',
name: 'rotationStep',
label: 'Rotation Step',
value: { title: '45°', value: 45 },
choices: [
{ title: '15°', value: 15 },
{ title: '45°', value: 45 },
{ title: '90°', value: 90 }
Helper Controls
Helper controls provide additional functionality. Available helper modes include: 'shape_markers', 'pin', 'snapping', 'snap_guides', 'measurements', 'auto_trace', 'geofencing', 'zoom_to_features', and 'click_to_edit'.
const gmOptions: GmOptionsPartial = {
controls: {
helper: {
snapping: {
title: 'Snap to Features',
uiEnabled: true,
active: true,
options: [
type: 'toggle',
name: 'snapToVertices',
label: 'Snap to Vertices',
value: true
measurements: {
title: 'Show Measurements',
uiEnabled: true,
active: false
Layer Styles Configuration
Geoman uses Mapbox/Maplibre style specification to style different geometric shapes. Each shape type can have multiple layer styles, and there are two main categories of styles for each shape:
: The default style used for displaying featuresgm_temporary
: The style used for features being edited or temporary features (like during drawing)
Layer Style Structure
The layer styles configuration follows this structure:
layerStyles: {
[shapeType: string]: {
gm_main: Array<PartialLayerStyle>;
gm_temporary: Array<PartialLayerStyle>;
Available Shape Types
You can configure styles for the following shape types:
Layer Style Types
Geoman supports four types of layer styles:
- Symbol Layer (for markers and text):
interface PartialSymbolLayer {
type: 'symbol';
layout?: {
'icon-image'?: string;
'icon-size'?: number;
'icon-allow-overlap'?: boolean;
'icon-anchor'?: 'center' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right';
'text-field'?: string[];
'text-size'?: number;
'text-justify'?: 'auto' | 'left' | 'center' | 'right';
'text-anchor'?: 'center' | 'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right';
paint?: {
'text-color'?: string;
'text-opacity'?: number;
'text-halo-color'?: string;
'text-halo-width'?: number;
- Line Layer (for lines and polygon outlines):
interface PartialLineLayer {
type: 'line';
paint?: {
'line-color'?: string;
'line-width'?: number;
'line-opacity'?: number;
'line-dasharray'?: number[];
layout?: {
'line-cap'?: 'butt' | 'round' | 'square';
'line-join'?: 'bevel' | 'round' | 'miter';
- Fill Layer (for polygons):
interface PartialFillLayer {
type: 'fill';
paint?: {
'fill-color'?: string;
'fill-opacity'?: number;
'fill-outline-color'?: string;
'fill-antialias'?: boolean;
- Circle Layer (for circle markers):
interface PartialCircleLayer {
type: 'circle';
paint?: {
'circle-radius'?: number;
'circle-color'?: string;
'circle-opacity'?: number;
'circle-stroke-width'?: number;
'circle-stroke-color'?: string;
'circle-stroke-opacity'?: number;
Comprehensive Example
Here's a detailed example showing how to style different shape types:
const gmOptions: GmOptionsPartial = {
layerStyles: {
// Marker styles
marker: {
gm_main: [
type: "symbol",
layout: {
"icon-image": "default-marker",
"icon-size": 0.25,
"icon-allow-overlap": true,
"icon-anchor": "bottom",
gm_temporary: [
type: "symbol",
layout: {
"icon-image": "temp-marker",
"icon-size": 0.25,
// Text marker styles
text_marker: {
gm_main: [
type: "symbol",
layout: {
"text-field": ["get", "text"],
"text-size": 32,
"text-justify": "center",
"text-anchor": "center",
paint: {
"text-color": "#333333",
"text-halo-color": "#ffffff",
"text-halo-width": 2,
// Line styles
line: {
gm_main: [
type: "line",
paint: {
"line-color": "#3388ff",
"line-width": 3,
"line-opacity": 0.7,
layout: {
"line-cap": "round",
"line-join": "round",
gm_temporary: [
type: "line",
paint: {
"line-color": "#ff3388",
"line-width": 3,
"line-opacity": 0.7,
"line-dasharray": [2, 2],
// Polygon styles with both fill and line properties
polygon: {
gm_main: [
type: "fill",
paint: {
"fill-color": "#3388ff",
"fill-opacity": 0.2,
"fill-outline-color": "#3388ff",
type: "line",
paint: {
"line-color": "#3388ff",
"line-width": 2,
"line-opacity": 0.7,
// Here we override the temporary style for polygons used during editing
gm_temporary: [
type: "fill",
paint: {
"fill-color": "#ff3388",
"fill-opacity": 0.2,
"fill-outline-color": "#ff3388",
type: "line",
paint: {
"line-color": "#ff3388",
"line-width": 2,
"line-opacity": 0.7,
"line-dasharray": [2, 2],
Important Notes
Layer Order: Multiple layer styles for a single shape are rendered in the order they appear in the array. For polygons, it's common to define a fill layer followed by a line layer for the border.
Style Inheritance: If you don't specify
styles, features will usegm_main
styles during editing. -
Custom Icons: For marker symbols using custom icons, make sure to load the images into the map before using them in the style configuration.
Dynamic Properties: You can use Mapbox/Maplibre expressions to create dynamic styles based on feature properties.
Performance: Consider using simpler styles for temporary features to improve performance during editing operations.
Control Options
Each control can have the following options:
interface ControlOptions {
title: string; // Display title for the control
icon: string | null; // Icon for the control button
uiEnabled: boolean; // Whether the control appears in the UI
active: boolean; // Whether the control is active by default
options?: ActionOptions; // Additional control-specific options
Action Options Types
Controls can have additional options of two types:
type SelectActionOption = {
type: 'select';
label: string;
name: string;
value: { title: string; value: boolean | string | number };
choices: Array<{ title: string; value: boolean | string | number }>;
type ToggleActionOption = {
type: 'toggle';
label: string;
name: string;
value: boolean;
Full Configuration Example
Here's a comprehensive example combining various configuration options:
const gmOptions: GmOptionsPartial = {
settings: {
controlsPosition: 'top-right',
throttlingDelay: 100
controls: {
draw: {
polygon: {
title: 'Draw Polygon',
icon: 'polygon-icon',
uiEnabled: true,
active: false,
options: [
type: 'toggle',
name: 'snap',
label: 'Snap to Vertices',
value: true
edit: {
rotate: {
title: 'Rotate Features',
uiEnabled: true,
active: false,
helper: {
snapping: {
title: 'Snap to Features',
uiEnabled: true,
active: true
layerStyles: {
polygon: {
gm_main: [
type: 'fill',
paint: {
'fill-color': '#3388ff',
'fill-opacity': 0.2,
'fill-outline-color': '#3388ff'
const gm = new Geoman(map, gmOptions);
This configuration provides a comprehensive setup for Geoman, including custom controls, styles, and settings. Remember that all these options are partial, so you only need to specify the options you want to customize - all other options will use their default values.