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Basic Usage


Free Version

# install free version
npm install @geoman-io/maplibre-geoman-free

The Free version can also be downloaded directly from

Pro Version

Add the following content to .npmrc in your project root


Replace <YOUR LICENSE KEY> with your license key.

# install pro version
npm install @geoman-io/maplibre-geoman-pro

Don't have a license key yet? Purchase one here.

Installing the Pro Version on Vercel

To install the Pro version on Vercel, follow these steps:

  1. Add the License Key to Environment Variables

    • Set up a new environment variable for your license key.
    • Environment Variable Name: NPM_TOKEN_GEOMAN
    • Environment Variable Value: <YOUR_LICENSE_KEY> (replace <YOUR_LICENSE_KEY> with your actual license key)
  2. Set the .npmrc Configuration as an Environment Variable

    • Create a special environment variable to store your .npmrc configuration.
    • Environment Variable Name: NPM_RC
    • Environment Variable Value: Use the following content (preserve the line breaks):

Once these variables are set, Vercel will use the correct .npmrc configuration and license key to access the Pro version.

Expected HTML Structure

<!-- index.html -->
<html lang="en_US">
<title>Geoman Maplibre</title>
#dev-map {
height: 100vh;
width: 100vw;
<div id="dev-map"></div>

Maplibre and Geoman initialization

import 'maplibre-gl/dist/maplibre-gl.css';
import '@geoman-io/maplibre-geoman-free/dist/maplibre-geoman.css';

import ml from 'maplibre-gl';
import { Geoman, type GmOptionsPartial } from '@geoman-io/maplibre-geoman-free';

const mapLibreStyle: ml.StyleSpecification = {
version: 8,
glyphs: '{fontstack}/{range}.pbf',
sources: {
'osm-tiles': {
type: 'raster',
tiles: [
tileSize: 256,
attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors',
layers: [
id: 'osm-tiles-layer',
type: 'raster',
source: 'osm-tiles',
minzoom: 0,
maxzoom: 19,

const map = new ml.Map({
container: 'dev-map',
style: mapLibreStyle,
center: [0, 51],
zoom: 5,

const gmOptions: GmOptionsPartial = {
// geoman options here

// create a new geoman instance
const geoman = new Geoman(map, gmOptions);

// callback when geoman is fully loaded
map.on('gm:loaded', () => {
console.log('Geoman fully loaded');

// Here you can add your geojson shapes for example
const shapeGeoJson = {
type: 'Feature',
geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 51] },
properties: {},
// add a geojson shape to the map

const shapeGeoJson2 = {
type: 'Feature',
geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [3, 52] },
properties: {},
// geoman instance is also available on the map object;
