Exporting GeoJSON
Geoman provides several methods to export features as GeoJSON. You can export all features, features from specific sources, or filtered features based on shape types.
Basic Export Methods
Export All Features
The simplest way to export all features is using exportGeoJson()
const allFeatures = gm.features.exportGeoJson();
This returns a GeoJSON FeatureCollection containing all features from all sources.
Exported GeoJSON Structure
The exported GeoJSON follows this structure:
interface GeoJsonShapeFeatureCollection {
type: 'FeatureCollection';
features: Array<{
type: 'Feature';
geometry: {
type: string;
coordinates: any[];
properties: {
shape: FeatureShape;
_gmid?: FeatureId;
center?: LngLat;
text?: string;
Complete Example
Here's a complete example showing different export methods:
const gm = new Geoman(map);
// Draw some features...
// Export all features
const allFeatures = gm.features.exportGeoJson();
console.log('All features:', allFeatures);
// Save to file
function downloadGeoJson(geojson: GeoJsonShapeFeatureCollection, filename: string) {
const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(geojson)], { type: 'application/json' });
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = url;
link.download = filename;
// Download different exports
downloadGeoJson(allFeatures, 'all-features.geojson');