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Geofencing ⭐

Geofencing ⭐

Geofencing Feature

Geofencing in Leaflet-Geoman allows you to prevent layers from intersecting or ensure layers are contained within specific areas. This feature enables more precise and controlled drawing and editing of shapes on your map.

Global Options

You can enable Collision Detection globally on a map like this:{
preventIntersection: [layer1, layer2],
requireContainment: [layer3, layer4]
preventIntersectionAn array of layers that new or edited layers should not intersect with
requireContainmentAn array of layers that new or edited layers must be contained within


The following events are available on layers during draw or edit:

pm:intersectionviolationFired when a layer intersects with a restricted layer
pm:containmentviolationFired when a layer is not contained as required

Supported Layer Types

Collision Detection works with various layer types including:

  • Marker
  • CircleMarker
  • Circle
  • Line
  • Polygon
  • Rectangle
  • Text
  • ImageOverlay


  1. Draw Mode: Prevents drawing shapes that violate collision rules.
  2. Edit Mode: Prevents edits that would cause violations.
  3. Drag Mode: Restricts dragging layers to valid areas.
  4. Rotation: Ensures rotated shapes don't violate rules.
  5. Scaling: Prevents scaling that would cause intersections or containment violations.
  6. Freehand Drawing: Applies collision rules to freehand-drawn shapes.
  7. Copy Layer: Ensures copied layers adhere to collision rules when placed.

Visual Feedback

When a collision or containment violation occurs:

  • The shape being drawn or edited will turn red (#f00000ff).
  • The shape will revert to its original position or shape if the action is completed while in violation.


  • Collision detection is not applied to layers with snapIgnore: true.
  • Removed layers are automatically ignored in collision detection.
  • Null values in preventIntersection or requireContainment arrays are ignored.
  • For CircleMarkers, only the center point is checked for collisions when resizing.
  • Text layers are only checked for their anchor point in collision detection.
  • preventIntersection and requireContainment can be used together or separately, depending on your requirements.
  • Only L.Polygon and L.Circle layers can be used as arguments in requireContainment and preventIntersection.

Example Usage

// Enable collision detection{
preventIntersection: [existingPolygon],
requireContainment: [boundaryPolygon]

// Listen for violation events
map.on('pm:drawstart', ({ workingLayer }) => {
workingLayer.on('pm:intersectionviolation', (e) => {
console.log('Intersection violation detected');
workingLayer.on('pm:containmentviolation', (e) => {
console.log('Containment violation detected');

// Draw a new shape'Polygon');

This feature ensures that your drawn and edited shapes comply with spatial constraints, improving the accuracy and consistency of your map data.


Below are two examples demonstrating how to enforce shape restrictions using the Geoman library.

Containment Enforcement:

New shapes must be fully contained within a defined boundary.

The code below configures the map to ensure any newly drawn shapes are restricted within the boundaryPolygon.{
requireContainment: [boundaryPolygon]

In this demo, the requireContainment option is enabled:


Here we have an existing polygon that new shapes must not intersect with

Intersection Prevention:

New shapes must not overlap with an existing polygon.

The code below ensures new shapes will not intersect with the existingPolygon.{
preventIntersection: [existingPolygon]

In this demo, the preventIntersection option is enabled:
