The following methods are available on L.PM.Utils
Method | Returns | Description |
calcMiddleLatLng(map , latlng1 , latlng2 ) | LatLng | Returns the middle LatLng between two LatLngs. |
getTranslation(path ) | String | Returns the translation of the passed path . path = json-string f.ex. tooltips.placeMarker . |
findLayers(map ) | Array | Returns all layers that are available for Leaflet-Geoman. |
circleToPolygon(circle , sides = 60 , withBearing = true ) | Polygon | Converts a circle into a polygon with default 60 sides. For CRS.Simple maps withBearing needs to be false. |
pxRadiusToMeterRadius(radiusInPx , map , center ) | Number | Converts a px-radius (CircleMarker) to meter-radius (Circle). The center LatLng is needed because the earth has different projections on different places. |
getMeasurements(layer , map , displayFormat ) | Object | Calculate the measurements of any layer. The option displayFormat can be metric or imperial . ⭐ |
moveLayerTo(layer , centerLatLng ) | - | Moves the center of a layer to the coordinates. ⭐ |
moveLayerBy(layer , deltaLatLng ) | - | Moves the center of a layer by the delta. ⭐ |
copyLayer(layer ) | - | Copies a layer and applies it options to the new layer. ⭐ |